
Specifications    Prices

The IC-R70 is an amateur-radio receiver with general coverage capability between 100 kHz and 30 MHz in thirty 1 MHz segments. CW, RTTY (FSK), LSB, USB, AM modes and FM when optional unit is installed. Quadruple conversion superheterodyne system with first IF at 70 MHz, dual 10 Hz step digital VFO which has triple looped PLL circuit, the RF preamplifier is a wide band push-pull using low-noise and wide dynamic range junction FET's, high level double balanced mixer, the built-in Pass-Band Tuning (PBT) system allows to continuosly adjust the pass band of the IF chain, notch filter, RIT control, Monitor control for using this radio together with a transmitter or transceiver. Semiconductors used: 77 transistors, 14 FET, 43 IC, and 180 diodes. Ideated in Japan, year of introduction 1982.

Reference market : amateur-radio

IC-R70 specifications

Frequency coverage
0.1000 ~ 30.0000 MHz
0.2000 ~ 26.1000 MHz [1]
CW / RTTY (FSK) / LSB / USB / AM / FM [2]
Tuning step
10 / 100 Hz / 1 KHz
Sensitivity [3]
SSB / CW<1.0 uV (0.1~1.6 MHz, 10dB S+N/N)
<0.15 uV (1.6~30 MHz, 10dB S+N/N)
RTTY (FSK)<1.0 uV (0.1~1.6 MHz, 10dB S+N/N)
<0.15 uV (1.6~30 MHz, 10dB S+N/N)
AM<3.0 uV (0.1~1.6 MHz, 10dB S+N/N)
<0.5 uV (1.6~30 MHz, 10dB S+N/N)
FM<0.3 uV (1.6~30 MHz, 12dB SINAD)
Selectivity [4]
SSB / CW2.3 KHz (-6dB) [5]
4.2 KHz (-60dB)
RTTY (FSK)2.3 KHz (-6dB) [5]
4.2 KHz (-60dB)
AM6.0 KHz (-6dB) [6]
18 KHz (-60dB)
FM15 KHz (-6dB)
25 KHz (-60dB)
RF attenuator
~20 dB
Spurious rejection
PBT (Passband Tuning)
Notch filter
NB (Noise Blanker)
Yes (narrow / wide)
RIT (Receiver Incremental Tuning)
±800 Hz
AGC (Automatic Gain Control)
Fast, slow, OFF
Frequency stability
±250 Hz max after swith on 1' to 60'
±50 Hz max after 60' warm-up
±500 Hz max with temperature from -10°C to +60°C
IF (Intermediate Frequency)
70.4515 MHz
9.0115 MHz (SSB)
9.0106 MHz (CW / RTTY)
9.0100 MHz (AM / FM)
455.0 KHz
9.0115 MHz (CW / RTTY / SSB / AM)
100 Hz frequency resolution
SO239 50Ω
RCA ~500Ω (0.1~1.6 MHz)
Power supply
100/220 VAC
Power consumption
30 VA max
Audio power
2 W on 8Ω
Audio output
Jack 6.35 mm (4~16Ω headphone)
Jack 3.5 mm (8Ω external speaker)
Jack 3.5 mm (Recorder output)
RCA (Scope output / IF 70.4515 MHz)
RCA (Converter input)
RCA (Mute)
24-pin Socket (ACC / external control)
Mechanical and environmental data
286 (W) x 111 (H) x 276 (D) mm

  1. German version.
  2. When optional FM unit is installed.
  3. When RF preamplifier is ON.
  4. Built-in filters, as optional: FL-44 (2.4 KHz) and FL-63 (250 Hz).
  5. Adjustable to 500 Hz min.
  6. Adjustable to 2.7 kHz min.
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IC-R70 RF unit block diagram :

ICOM IC-R70 RF unit block diagram
ICOM IC-R70 RF unit block diagram

IC-R70 price

We have collected for your convenience the ICOM IC-R70 sale price (Euro) and its trend over time. Useful to guarantee a cheaper purchase of this radio and to put it for sale in the second-hand market. Of course offers, accessories, warranty terms and conditions can lead to different figures.

Price Date Condition
EUR 255.90
2019-aug Second Hand

Overall in good condition. Has optional FL-44A filter installed, the FM mode has been disabled in favor of an AM switchable selectivity modification that allows the 2.7 kHz PBT filter to be used in place of the 6 kHz (AM standard) PBT filter, with original owner's manual

IC-R70 review

Gottfried29 December 2024

I have also an IC-R70 from 1983. And he's still working. A great receiver.

[End post]

Lyonel29 August 2024

I already had an IC-R70 purchased in 1983, it has not worked since 2017. It worked very well during this period.

[End post]

Emilio10 December 2022

It's a great receiver.

[End post]

Your opinion on merits, defects, experiences, with this radio set is welcome. Write your review, after a technical evaluation by our staff if found suitable will be published on this page. We thank you for your precious contribution.

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