
Specifications    Prices

The IC-905 is a compact all mode transceiver with 144 / 440 / 1200 / 2400 / 5600 MHz coverage plus a 10 GHz transverter option. Output power is 10W on 144-1200 MHz bands, 2W on 2400-5600 MHz bands. 4.3-inch large color LCD touch display with high-performance real-time spectrum scope and waterfall. Full D-STAR functions (DV/DD mode) and ATV (Amateur TV) in the Wide-FM mode. The VHF/UHF/SHF Multi-Bander IC-905 was designed with ICOM's technology, spirit of challenge, and playful mind and shows you a new world in the SHF band. Ideated in Japan, year of introduction 2023.

Reference market : amateur-radio

IC-905 specifications

Frequency coverage
USA version144.0000 ~ 148.0000 MHz
430.0000 ~ 450.0000 MHz
1240.0000 ~ 1300.0000 MHz
2300.0000 ~ 2309.9999 MHz
2390.0000 ~ 2450.0000 MHz
5650.0000 ~ 5925.0000 MHz
EUR version144.0000 ~ 146.0000 MHz
430.0000 ~ 440.0000 MHz
1240.0000 ~ 1300.0000 MHz
2300.0000 ~ 2450.0000 MHz
5650.0000 ~ 5850.0000 MHz
Tuning step
1 / 10 / 50 / 100 / 500 Hz / 1 / 5 / 6.25 / 10 / 12.5 / 20 kHz
1 MHz
CW / SSB [1]< 0.11 uV (144 MHz band, 10dB S/N, Preamp ON).
< 0.11 uV (430 MHz band, 10dB S/N, Preamp ON).
< 0.11 uV (1240 MHz band, 10dB S/N, Preamp ON).
< 0.11 uV (2300 MHz band, 10dB S/N).
< 0.15 uV (5650 MHz band, 10dB S/N).
AM< 1.0 uV (144 MHz band, 10dB S/N, Preamp ON).
< 1.0 uV (430 MHz band, 10dB S/N, Preamp ON).
< 1.0 uV (1240 MHz band, 10dB S/N, Preamp ON).
< 1.0 uV (2300 MHz band, 10dB S/N).
< 1.4 uV (5650 MHz band, 10dB S/N).
FM< 0.17 uV (144 MHz band, 12 dB SINAD, Preamp ON).
< 0.17 uV (430 MHz band, 12 dB SINAD, Preamp ON).
< 0.17 uV (1240 MHz band, 12 dB SINAD, Preamp ON).
< 0.17 uV (2300 MHz band, 12 dB SINAD).
< 0.25 uV (5650 MHz band, 12 dB SINAD).
D-STAR DV< 0.35 uV (144 MHz band, 1% BER, Preamp ON).
< 0.35 uV (430 MHz band, 1% BER, Preamp ON).
< 0.35 uV (1240 MHz band, 1% BER, Preamp ON).
< 0.35 uV (2300 MHz band, 1% BER).
< 0.50 uV (5650 MHz band, 1% BER).
D-STAR DD< 1.58 uV (1240 MHz band, 1% BER, Preamp ON).
< 1.58 uV (2300 MHz band, 1% BER).
< 2.23 uV (5650 MHz band, 1% BER).
Selectivity [2]
CW [3]> 500 Hz (-3dB)
< 700 Hz (-60dB)
RTTY [3]> 500 Hz (-3dB)
< 700 Hz (-60dB)
SSB [4]> 2.4 KHz (-3dB)
< 3.6 KHz (-60dB)
AM [5]> 6.0 KHz (-3dB)
< 15.0 KHz (-60dB)
FM [6]> 12.0 KHz (-6dB)
< 20.0 KHz (-60dB)
D-STAR DV [7]< 25 kHz (-50dB)
D-STAR DD [8]< 600 kHz (-40dB)
RF preamplifier
Yes (for 144, 430, 1200 MHz band)
RF attenuator
Yes (for 144, 430, 1200 MHz band)
Spurious and image rejection
CW / SSB> 70 dB (144/430 MHz band)
> 50 dB (1200/2400/5600 MHz band)
AM / FM> 60 dB (144/430 MHz band)
> 50 dB (1200/2400/5600 MHz band)
D-STAR DV> 60 dB (144/430 MHz band)
> 50 dB (1200/2400/5600 MHz band)
D-STAR DD> 50 dB (1200/2400/5600 MHz band)
NB (Noise Blanker)
Yes (Level, attenuation, and duration time adjustable)
DNR (Digital Noise Reduction) [9]
> 6 dB (Level adjustable)
Notch filter
Manual> 70 dB (Wide, Mid, Nar width)
Automatic [10]> 30 dB
RIT (Receiver Incremental Tuning)
± 9.999 KHz
AFC (Automatic Frequency Control)
Without limit or ± 5~10 KHz
AGC (Automatic Gain Control)
Off, fast, mid, slow (Adjustable time constant)
Frequency stability
± 0.065 ppm max with temperature from -10°C to +55°C
IF (Intermediate Frequency) [11]
331~371 MHz (1200 MHz band)
914 MHz (2400/5600 MHz band)
346 MHz (2400/5600 MHz band)
Output power
144/430 MHz10 W (CW / RTTY / SSB / FM / D-STAR DV).
2.5 W (AM).
1200 MHz10 W (CW / RTTY / SSB / FM / D-STAR DV&DD / ATV).
2.5 W (AM).
2400/5600 MHz2 W (CW / RTTY / SSB / FM / D-STAR DV&DD / ATV).
0.5 W (AM).
Spurious emission
In-band< -60 dBc (144 MHz band)
< -60 dBc (430 MHz band)
< -53 dBc (1200 MHz band)
< -46 dBc (2400 MHz band)
< -46 dBc (5600 MHz band)
Out-of-band< -60 dBc (144 MHz band)
< -60 dBc (430 MHz band)
< -50 dBc (1200 MHz band)
< -43 dBc (2400 MHz band)
< -43 dBc (5600 MHz band)
Carrier suppression (SSB)
> 50 dB
Unwanted sideband suppression (SSB)
> 50 dB
2.2 kΩ
1.2 kΩ (When using the MIC jack)
500 regular memories, up to 100 groups
25 for programmed scan limits
12 call channels
2500 repeater memories
300 GPS memories
1 Hz frequency resolution
Segment-bar signal meter
Selective calling
1750 Hz tone [12]
Transmit/receive offset
±9.999 MHz
N 50Ω (144/430/1200 MHz band)
2 x SMA 50Ω (2400/5600 MHz band)
Power supply
13.8 VDC (±15%)
Power consumption
2A RX, standby
<3A RX, max volume
<5.5A TX, max power
Audio power
0.53W on 12Ω (internal speaker)
0.2W on 8Ω (external speaker)
Jack (AV-OUT, audio 600Ω@-6dBV, video 75Ω@1Vpp)
Jack (SEND)
Jack (LAN)
Jack 3.5 mm (CW keyer)
Jack 3.5 mm (speaker)
Jack 3.5 mm (mic-speaker)
Jack 2.5 mm (mic)
USB-C (PC or other USB device)
BNC (RF unit: 10 MHz reference output)
SMA (RF unit: GPS antenna input)
Socket 10-pin (RF unit: ACC)
Mechanical and environmental data
Operating temperature
Controllerfrom 0°C to +50°C
RF unitfrom -10°C to +55°C
Controller200 (W) x 83.5 (H) x 82 (D) mm, projections not included
RF unit172 (W) x 87 (H) x 210 (D) mm, projections not included
Controller940g, without the supplied accessories
RF unit3.2kg, without the supplied accessories

  1. Filter shape on SOFT.
  2. Filter shape on SHARP.
  3. 500 Hz bandwidth.
  4. 2.4 kHz bandwidth.
  5. 6 kHz bandwidth.
  6. 15 kHz bandwidth.
  7. 12.5 kHz channels spacing.
  8. 300 kHz channels spacing.
  9. Noise rejection in SSB.
  10. 1 kHz single tone.
  11. RF direct sampling on 144/430 MHz.
  12. Only for European version.
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IC-905 description :

The industry-first 144 to 5600 MHz amateur-radio transceiver, with full D-STAR functions (DV/DD Mode) and ATV (Amateur TV) in the analog FM mode. The radio consists of the controller and the RF module that is mounted directly under the antenna. Due to feedline power loss, ICOM designed the RF module for an outdoor environment, placing the unit at the antenna. This design minimizes the length of feedline used, thus reducing the RF loss. So, maximum output power is supplied to the antenna feed point. By adopting PoE (Power over Ethernet) technology, the connection is made with a single cable, providing a more flexible mounting solution for the outdoor module. Additionally, the PoE technology makes it possible to use a higher voltage, reducing the current needed for a stable power source.

ICOM IC-905 system,
Connecting the RF unit and the controller

The IC-905 transceiver has a built-in GPS / GNSS receiver (antenna connector on RF unit) to enable advanced frequency management for a ultimate clock stability. By synchronizing with this reference signal, the OCXO frequency can be compensated with high accuracy.

Real-time spectrum scope is class-leading in resolution, sweep speed, and dynamic range. When you touch the scope screen on the intended signal, the touched area is magnified. The large 4.3-inch (10.9cm) color touch LCD offers intuitive operation. The receiver circuit employs an RF direct sampling system. 144 & 430 MHz signals are directly converted to digital data in the ADC (Analog-to-Digital Converter), and then processed in the FPGA. This system is a leading technology, marking an epoch in amateur radio. 1.2 GHz and higher bands use a down conversion IF sampling. Also, the CX-10G transverter, available as an optional item, open to the 10 GHz band coverage.

IC-905 spectrum scope screen :

The spectrum scope enables you to display the activity on the selected band, as well as the relative strengths of various signals in that band. The transceiver has three spectrum scope modes: the "Center mode" displays signals around the operating frequency, the "Fixed mode" displays signals within a specified frequency range, the "Scroll mode" displays signals within a selected span. You can also turn the Waterfall display ON or OFF. In addition, you can select the Mini scope to display the scope in a smaller size on the screen.

By touching the FFT scope zone or the waterfall zone in the Spectrum Scope screen, the area will be zoomed in. Then you touch the signal in the zoomed area, you can directly tune your frequency to the signal. The Mini scope screen can be simultaneously displayed with another function displays, such as the RTTY DECODE screen and the Audio Scope screen.

IC-905 audio scope screen :

This Audio scope enables you to display the received signal's frequency component on the FFT scope, and its waveform components on the Oscilloscope. The FFT scope also has a waterfall.

ICOM IC-905, audio scope screen

Attenuator for the FFT scope, Waveform type and color, Hold function, Oscilloscope level and sweep time, are selectable.

IC-905 digital twin PBT :

To reject interference on SSB / CW / RTTY / AM modes, the Digital Twin Passband Tuning (PBT) narrows the passband width by shifting the IF frequency to slightly above or below the center frequency. The transceiver uses the digital function using the FPGA (Field Programmable Gate Array) filtering method. Each mode memorizes the PBT setting.

ICOM IC-905, digital twin PBT screen

ICOM IC-905, using the twin PBT

To narrow the IF passband width, shift PBT1 and PBT2 to the opposite direction from each other, to narrow the overlapped area. To use the PBT as the IF-Shift function, set PBT1 and PBT2 to the same value. The PBT is adjustable in 50 Hz steps in the SSB / CW / RTTY modes, and 200 Hz in the AM mode. The center shift value changes in 25 Hz steps in the SSB / CW / RTTY modes, and 100 Hz in the AM mode.

IC-905 IF filters :

The IC-905 transceiver has 3 IF filter passband widths for each receiving mode, and you can select them on the FILTER screen. You can set the IF filter to wide (FIL 1), mid (FIL 2), or narrow (FIL 3). Also, you can set the IF filter shape for SSB and CW modes. SHARP: This selection is to emphasize the passband width of the filter. The filter has an almost ideal shape factor. Signals that are out of the passband are extremely filtered out, and it gives you better audio quality. SOFT: The filter shoulders are roundly formed as in analog filters. This decreases noise components in the high and low frequencies of the filter passband, and increases the S/N of the target signal. These characteristics play an effective role in picking up very weak signals. The shape factor is retained, and the sharpness of the bandpass is excellent. Available filters:

SSB / Selectable range
FIL 13.0 kHz Default
Adjustable from 50 Hz to 3.6 kHz
FIL 22.4 kHz Default
Adjustable from 50 Hz to 3.6 kHz
FIL 31.8 kHz Default
Adjustable from 50 Hz to 3.6 kHz
SSB-D / Selectable range
FIL 13.0 kHz Default
Adjustable from 50 Hz to 3.6 kHz
FIL 21.2 kHz Default
Adjustable from 50 Hz to 3.6 kHz
FIL 30.5 kHz Default
Adjustable from 50 Hz to 3.6 kHz
CW / Selectable range
FIL 11.2 kHz Default
Adjustable from 50 Hz to 3.6 kHz
FIL 20.5 kHz Default
Adjustable from 50 Hz to 3.6 kHz
FIL 30.25 kHz Default
Adjustable from 50 Hz to 3.6 kHz
RTTY / Selectable range
FIL 12.4 kHz Default
Adjustable from 50 Hz to 2.7 kHz
FIL 20.5 kHz Default
Adjustable from 50 Hz to 2.7 kHz
FIL 30.25 kHz Default
Adjustable from 50 Hz to 2.7 kHz
AM, AM-D / Selectable range
FIL 19.0 kHz Default
Adjustable from 200 Hz to 10 kHz
FIL 26.0 kHz Default
Adjustable from 200 Hz to 10 kHz
FIL 33.0 kHz Default
Adjustable from 200 Hz to 10 kHz
FM, FM-D, D-STAR DV / Selectable range
FIL 115.0 kHz Fixed
FIL 210.0 kHz Fixed
FIL 37.0 kHz Fixed
D-STAR DD / Selectable range
FIL 1150 kHz Fixed
ATV / Selectable range
FIL 117 MHz Fixed
FIL 210 MHz Fixed
FIL 35 MHz Fixed

IC-905 front panel :

ICOM IC-905, front panel

Reference / Description
Push to toggle between PBT1 and PBT2, hold down for one second to clear the PBT settings.
Lights green while the transceiver is ON, blinks green while the transceiver is in the Screen Saver mode, lights orange while the display is Off, and blinks orange while the transceiver is in the Standby mode.
Push to toggle between the Call channel mode and the VFO/Memory modes, hold down for one second to turn the DR function On or Off.
Rotate to adjust the audio output level, push to display the setting menu and then rotate to adjust the RF gain or squelch threshold levels.
Push to display the Mini scope screen, hold down for one second to display the Spectrum scope screen.
Open the Quick Menu screen.
Push to exit a setting screen or return to the previous screen.
Push to open the Multi-function menu for various adjustments, then rotate to adjust the value that is assigned to the control.
In the Split or Duplex mode holding the key down enables you to monitor the transmit frequency. In the Simplex mode, holding the key down temporally opens the squelch and cancels the noise reduction (DNR) function. In the DV mode holding the key down enables you to monitor signals in the FM or DV mode, depending on the Digital Monitor setting.
Push to sequentially call up the contents in the Memo Pads, hold down for one second to save the displayed contents into the Memo Pad.
Push to display the Scan Select screen, hold down for one second to start the previously selected scan.
In the CW mode pushing the key automatically tunes the operating frequency to a close-by CW signal. In the FM or DV mode, push to turn the Auto Frequency Control function ON or OFF. In the DV and DD mode, hold down for 1 second to display the RX History list.
Used to automatically adjust the display's backlight brightness.
Lights red while transmitting.
Lights green while receiving.
Rotate to change the operating frequency.

IC-905 controller :

ICOM IC-905 Controller,
Right side and Left side panel

IC-905 RF-unit :

ICOM IC-905 RF-unit,
Top side and Bottom side panel

IC-905 connectors informations :

ICOM IC-905, ELEC-KEY connector

ICOM IC-905, MIC connector

ICOM IC-905, AV-IN and AV-OUT connector

ICOM IC-905, SEND connector and circuit example

IC-905 photo gallery :

ICOM IC-905 front/side photo

IC-905 price

We have collected for your convenience the ICOM IC-905 sale price (Euro) and its trend over time. Useful to guarantee a cheaper purchase of this radio and to put it for sale in the second-hand market. Of course offers, accessories, warranty terms and conditions can lead to different figures.

Price Date Condition
EUR 3999.00 2023-may Brand-new
EUR 5697.00 2023-may Brand-new

With CX-10G transverter unit, for 10 GHz amateur-radio band

IC-905 review

Your opinion on merits, defects, experiences, with this radio set is welcome. Write your review, after a technical evaluation by our staff if found suitable will be published on this page. We thank you for your precious contribution.

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