
Specifications    Prices

200 Watt, HF/50 MHz amateur transceiver, that offers a new innovative-shack-style consisting of a Full Control Head with separate RF deck, connected through a LAN cable for greater installation flexibility. Dual independent receivers from the antenna to the speaker. RF direct sampling system with Digital Pre-Selector and a total of 15-separated BPF. Dual Display, Touch Screen, dual Spectrum Scope and Waterfall with a wide dynamic range of 100 dB, dual Speakers. 100% Duty Cycle at max-power output, Digital Pre-Distortion on the final amplifier, built-in Automatic Antenna Tuner. Ideated in Japan, year of introduction 2024.

Reference market : amateur-radio

IC-7760 specifications

Frequency coverage
Receive0.0300 ~ 60.0000 MHz [1]
Transmit0.1357 ~ 0.1378 MHz [2]
1.8000 ~ 1.9999 MHz
3.5000 ~ 3.9999 MHz
5.2550 ~ 5.4050 MHz [3]
7.0000 ~ 7.3000 MHz
10.1000 ~ 10.1500 MHz
14.0000 ~ 14.3500 MHz
18.0680 ~ 18.1680 MHz
21.0000 ~ 21.4500 MHz
24.8900 ~ 24.9900 MHz
28.0000 ~ 29.7000 MHz
50.0000 ~ 54.0000 MHz
Tuning step
1 Hz min
Sensitivity [4]
CW / SSB [5]1.41 uV typ (135 kHz, 10dB S/N)
0.16 uV typ (1.8~30 MHz, 10dB S/N)
0.13 uV typ (50~54 MHz, 10dB S/N)
AM [6]6.3 uV typ (0.5~1.8 MHz, 10dB S/N)
2.0 uV typ (1.8~30 MHz, 10dB S/N)
1.0 uV typ (50~54 MHz, 10dB S/N)
FM [7]0.5 uV typ (28~29.7 MHz, 12 dB SINAD)
0.32 uV typ (50~54 MHz, 12 dB SINAD)
Selectivity [8]
CW [9]> 0.5 KHz (-6dB)
< 0.7 KHz (-60dB)
RTTY [9]> 0.5 KHz (-6dB)
< 0.7 KHz (-60dB)
SSB [5]> 2.4 KHz (-6dB)
< 3.6 KHz (-60dB)
AM [6]> 6.0 KHz (-6dB)
< 15.0 KHz (-60dB)
FM [7]> 12.0 KHz (-6dB)
< 20.0 KHz (-60dB)
RF preamplifiers
Preamp1Wide dynamic range, for the HF
Preamp2High-gain, for the VHF
RF attenuator
3 ~ 45 dB (3 dB step)
Spurious and image rejection
> 70 dB (HF bands)
> 70 dB (50 MHz band) [10]
Twin PBT (Passband Tuning)
Notch filter
NB (Noise Blanker)
DNR (Digital Noise Reduction)
RIT (Receiver Incremental Tuning)
± 9.999 KHz
AGC (Automatic Gain Control)
Adjustable time constant 0.1 ~ 6s (FM mode is fixed)
Frequency stability
< ± 0.5ppm with temperature from 0°C to +50°C
IF (Intermediate Frequency) [11]
12 kHz
Squelch sensitivity
SSB< 3.2 uV (threshold, preamp ON)
FM< 0.32 uV (threshold, preamp ON)
CW features
Semi break-in / full break-in
Pitch control from 300 ~ 900 Hz (5 Hz step)
APF (Audio Peak Filter) with adjustable shape, width, and AF level
Output power
CW / RTTY / SSB / FM1 ~ 200 W [12]
AM0.25 ~ 50 W
Spurious emission
Out-of-band< -40 dB (1.8~29.7 MHz)
< -60 dB (50 MHz)
Harmonics< -50 dB (1.8~29.7 MHz)
< -66 dB (50 MHz)
Carrier suppression (SSB)
> 50 dB
Unwanted sideband suppression (SSB)
> 50 dB
XIT (Transmitter Incremental Tuning)
± 9.999 KHz
CW features
Multi-function electronic keyer
Auto repeat function
CW auto tuning
Antenna tuner
Impedance range16.7 - 150Ω
Tuning accuracySWR 1.5:1
Tuning time2 ~ 3s (average)
99 regular memories
2 for programmed scan limits
1 Hz frequency resolution
7-inch main display (800 × 480px, touch screen)
2.4-inch sub display (320 × 240px, touch screen)
4 x SO239 50Ω
2 x BNC 50Ω (RX antenna in/out)
BNC 50Ω (transverter)
Power supply
90~264 Volt AC
15 Volt DC (Control head)
Power consumption
150VA RX, max volume
3A RX, max volume (Control head)
800VA TX, max power
Audio power
2 W on 8Ω
Audio output
Jack 3.5 mm headphone
2 x Jack 3.5 mm external speaker
Jack 8-pin (microphone)
Jack 3.5 mm (CI-V remote control)
Jack 6.35 mm (CW keyer)
Socket 7/7-pin (accessories)
Socket 4-pin (antenna tuner)
BNC (10 MHz reference input)
DVI-D (external display connector)
USB (PC, I/Q out)
Mechanical and environmental data
Operating temperature
from 0°C to +50°C
RF deck425 (W) x 149 (H) x 442 (D) mm, projections not included
Control head340 (W) x 118 (H) x 103.5 (D) mm, projections not included
RF deck15.8 kg
Control head2.3 kg

  1. Guaranteed range 0.5-30 and 50-54 MHz.
  2. European version.
  3. USA version.
  4. HF bands: Preamp 1 ON, filter shape Soft. 50 MHz band: Preamp 2 ON, filter shape Soft
  5. 2.4kHz bandwidth.
  6. 6.0kHz bandwidth.
  7. 15.0kHz bandwidth.
  8. Filter shape on SHARP.
  9. 0.5kHz bandwidth.
  10. Except for ADC aliasing.
  11. Digital down-converted after direct sampling.
  12. Transverter output more than -20 dBm.
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IC-7760 description :

The transceiver consists of a separate remote control head and RF deck and uses a LAN cable for connecting between them. It increases the flexibility of the installation. A control cable (cable length 3m, maximum 100m) is supplied with the transceiver, and a commercially available LAN cable Cat-5E can be used to install the RF deck in a more remote location. It enables the RF deck to be placed in a rack or other location away from the station desktop, providing a quiet shack environment away from the noise of the fan used to dissipate the heat generated by the RF deck. The IC-7760 can be connected to the control head and RF deck through a wired home LAN network. This gives the user even greater flexibility of the RF deck. Because of its simple configuration that does not require a PC, the control head of the transceiver can be moved anywhere in the house and operated not only from the shack but also from the living room, etc., as long as a LAN connection is available.

IC-7760 dual receivers :

The IC-7760 has independent MAIN/SUB receivers, from the antenna to the speaker, so that one receiver section has no effect on the other, providing simultaneous reception of two signals in different bands/modes with identical performance. As with the IC-7851, dual spectrum scopes provide simultaneous display of the MAIN and SUB bands allowing the operator to see the changing band conditions.

IC-7760 Receiver Block Diagram

The receivers adopts the RF direct sampling system, in which RF signals are directly converted to digital signals and the signals are processed by an FPGA (Field Programmable Gate Array). This system avoids non-linear distortions that occur in mixer stages during the analog signal processing. In addition, by employing DSP units in both the RF deck and control head, the IC-7760 is able to handle complex audio path switching due to various interface inputs and outputs, while minimizing delay in a home LAN environment.

The DIGI-SEL (Digital Pre-selector) is highly effective in rejecting out-of-band strong signals such as from broadcasting stations or multi-multi operation. In conventional models (such as IC-7851 or IC-7610), the DIGI-SEL circuit was located soon after the RF input (antenna) to prevent signal distortion by out-of-band interference. Even if the preamp was turned ON, the noise figure (receiver sensitivity) could not be improved, as DIGI-SEL had an insertion loss due to its narrow bandwidth. In the IC-7760, which is a direct sampling system, DIGI-SEL prevents overflow (OVF) due to unwanted out-of-band signals rather than signal distortion, and the preamp uses the A/D converter to take full advantage of its dynamic range. When preamp is turned ON in the IC-7760, the preamp enhances the intended signal first, then DIGI-SEL filters out unwanted out-of-band signals. This makes it possible that the preamp works together with DIGI-SEL.

IC-7760 Digital Pre-selector

While the previous model covered HF bands with a 9-separated BPF (Band Pass Filter), the IC-7760 uses an 11-separated BPF in HF bands. In addition, by employing sharp filters specialized for each amateur band, the BPF efficiently attenuates out-of-band interference signals in the RF stage, and prevents overflow at the A/D converter.

IC-7760 Band Pass Filter Boards

IC-7760 transmitter :

The DPD (Digital Pre-Distortion) function corrects non-linear distortion at the final amplifier by applying inverse distortion in advance. A clean signal transmission is achieved while providing 200 Watt of high output power at the same time. The DPD function also works at the 1 kW output in combination with the IC-PW2 power amplifier.

IC-7760 DPD off and on

The IC-7760 uses a 450 Watt-class 65 Volt LDMOS-FET in the PA section, combined with a large heat sink and effective cooling system to achieve a generous 200 W full power full duty operation*. Continuous FT8 mode operation is also possible. Furthermore, modulation and frequency conversion are made through digital signal processing, the D/A converter directly outputs the transmit frequency, achieving the purest transmission C/N. By using 450 Watt FETs device in 200 Watt output, the PA achieves excellent IMD characteristics.

IC-7760 PA Unit and Cooling System with 4 Fans

The transceiver incorporates a mechanical relay type internal antenna tuner (ATU) as a first for ICOM's 200 Watt models. It provides faster tuning than the conventional variable capacitor type. Once tuned, the matching information is automatically recalled the next time the frequency is selected, facilitating smooth band changes and multi-band operation.

IC-7760 dual display :

The IC-7760 control head has main and sub dual displays. The displays are one 7-inch main display (800 x 480px) and one 2.4-inch sub display (320 x 240px) and both displays are touch screens. The main display shows information necessary for operation, including MAIN/SUB operating frequencies, setting/operating status of each function, as well as the spectrum scope, S-meter, and RTTY/PSK31/63 decoding messages. The sub display can show the filter settings, various meters, and a band stacking register. The filter setting screen can display the IF filter passband width and IF filter shape superimposed on the IF filter passband signal. This function shows you visible images of twin PBTs, manual notch effects. The improved visibility of information enhances operability and ensures smoother operation.

IC-7760 MAIN and SUB display

The dual Spectrum Scope provides excellent sweep speed, resolution, and a wide dynamic range of 100 dB with FPGA, DSP and CPU combined processing for main and sub bands. It can also monitor two different bands at the same time, which is useful for monitoring conditions and during contests. Dual scopes can be shown left-to-right or top-to-bottom layout, depending on the situation and needs. In the Continuous SCROLL mode, a wide bandwidth exceeding 1 MHz can be seen on the scope screen. The waterfall display shows changes in the frequency spectrum vertically, enabling the user to find a weak signal that is difficult to detect with the spectrum scope. Increases QSO possibilities without missing weak DX stations.

IC-7760 Top-to-bottom and Left-to-right Dual Scope

IC-7760 Single Scope example

The combination of the touch screen and the multi-dial knob offers easy access to various settings. When the multi-dial knob is pressed, menu items appear on the right side of the display next to the dial. Touch that menu to select an item, then turn the multi-dial knob to adjust the level, providing much faster access to various functions such as RF power, microphone gain, DIGI-SEL, and notch functions.

IC-7760 Multi-Function Menu

IC-7760 dual speakers :

The ICOM transceiver is also equipped with dual speakers. By separating the MAIN/SUB audio into left and right speakers, respectively, distinguishing the audio during Dualwatch operation is improved. MAIN/SUB audio can set for stereo or mono output from both speakers.

IC-7760 MAIN/SUB Dual Speakers

IC-7760 other features :

  • I/Q Signal Output (with HDSDR app you can listen to received signals, or display the spectrum scope on the PC).
  • 136 kHz band operation (Europe version only).
  • BNC type RX IN/OUT connectors for a receiver antenna or external Band Pass Filter / preamplifier connection.
  • BNC type transverter connector.
  • Multi-function electronic keyer and FPGA-controlled CW keying waveform shaping.
  • CW auto repeat function and Normal or short Morse number style.
  • CW double key jack system.
  • CW auto tuning.
  • 3 to 45 dB variable attenuator in only 3 dB steps.
  • IP+ function for greater 3rd order intercept point performance.
  • Main/Sub band tracking function for diversity reception.
  • RTTY/PSK encoder and decoder.
  • Preset FT8 Menu.
  • Automatic Contest Serial Numbering.
  • TX monitor function.
  • Microphone equalizer and Adjustable transmit bandwidth.
  • 50 CTCSS tones.
  • Transmit Power Limit function for each band.
  • Memo pad stores up to 10 operating frequencies and modes.
  • UTC/local clock and timer function.
  • Adjustable main dial brake.
  • Audio Scope.
  • Multi-function meter (S-meter, Power, ALC, COMP, SWR, Id, Vd and TEMP).
  • USB port for optional RC-28, keyboard, mouse and USB.
  • USB flash drive connection.
  • External Display Connection.
  • SD Card Slot.
  • Optional RC-28 Remote Encoder for a Second VFO Knob.
IC-7760 rear panel :

ICOM IC-7760 RF Deck rear panel view

ICOM IC-7760 Control Head rear panel view

IC-7760 photo gallery :

IC-7760 price

We have collected for your convenience the ICOM IC-7760 sale price (Euro) and its trend over time. Useful to guarantee a cheaper purchase of this radio and to put it for sale in the second-hand market. Of course offers, accessories, warranty terms and conditions can lead to different figures.

Price Date Condition
EUR 6599.00 2024-sep Brand-new

Target price, the IC-7760 is scheduled to be released at the end of 2024

IC-7760 review

Your opinion on merits, defects, experiences, with this radio set is welcome. Write your review, after a technical evaluation by our staff if found suitable will be published on this page. We thank you for your precious contribution.

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